Zurich Takaful Via Fincrew

Zurich Takaful Zurich Takaful
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Zurich Takaful Via Fincrew

This product is underwritten by Zurich General Takaful Malayisa Berhad. Fincrew is the authorized distributor of Zurich General Takaful Malaysia Berhad.

Over the years, the number of motor vehicles on the roadways in Malaysia has been steadily rising especially in developing areas. Road traffic experts have identified four key factors that contribute to road accidents. These include human error, vehicle malfunction, condition of the road, and environmental conditions, thus, making motor insurance an essential consideration for all automotive owners. Since insurance is such an essential investment for households, the process of selecting the appropriate motor insurance plan among hundreds of different policies becomes tough and stressful. Today, there are even attackers that design fake insurance pages that are socially engineered to steal all the user data entered into it, such as login credentials and even card numbers. When browsing for the best insurance plan for you, make sure you stay away from any of these phishing websites wherein any suspicious party seeking out your account information can get access to it. ICMS Zurich, on the other hand, is a premium global insurance group that develops the best general and life insurance solutions for private individuals, small businesses and large corporations.

Since 1872 Zurich has been delivering unique financial products to protect the things that you love and value the most. Zurich insurance unique position in the Malaysian market allows them to offer a wide range of legitimate and authentic insurance products and takaful solutions across a broad demographic of individuals and households looking to protect and grow their financial wealth. From personal banking to purchasing corporate business policies, Zurich has It all. This includes products of the life insurance and general insurance division as well as products from the family and general Takaful division that are compliant with shariah, all under the same brand on one accessible online platform. When purchasing motor insurance, the two main factors that you should look for are a hassle-free process as well as adequate customer support during times of uncertainty. Zurich Motor insurance is purchased to offset the loss of a considerable sum in case of a crash while also acquiring several additional benefits that add towards keeping your life and property safe and protected against any negative probabilities that may arise in the long run.

  • Damage loss: All bills of vehicle repairs due to damage caused by accident are covered in these policies.
  • Personal accident coverage: Apart from safeguarding your physical assets, Zurich also provides monetary benefits to the survivors of a crash in the event of accidental death or permanent loss.
  • An extensive network of garages: This makes the process of post-accident or breakdown repair and resolution a much less stressful process.
  • Third-party liabilities: Zurich insurance policy also covers lawsuits and associated legal fees, charged against you as the result of an accident. It also protects you against any damages caused by mishaps such as theft, fire, or more.
  • 24/7 customer support: The Zurich team comprises industry experts that are trained to respond to all queries and inquiries quickly and accurately without any delays.
  • Additional discounts: Zurich Motor insurance policies allow premium discounts for theft or for owning more than one policy with the same insurer. It also provides added advantage to extend coverage to others driving your car with your permission.
  • No claims bonus: NCB makes customers eligible for this benefit for every claim-free year in the form of some discount on the premium, which makes the car insurance a lot more affordable.

Zurich Takaful products have been designed for the modern family that aims to protect your current assets as well as plan, organize, invest, and manage finances for your future. Zurich Takaful offers policies on life, health, vehicle, home, property, family, and profession. Moreover, instead of paying a premium like in regular insurance policies, Takaful policies require you to donate a common fund or account known as the General Risk Investment Account which is used to cover damages to whoever needs it at a particular time.

Zurich Takaful car insurance is designed for the modern civilian who is a daily commuter, financially responsible and wants to safeguard their financial and physical assets without any cumbersome process.

For product enquiry or claim matters please contact us via any of the following channels:
Call Us at +6018 228 8606
Email Us at admin@fincrew.my

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