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Auto Insurance Coverages

Third Party Coverage

Third party insurance covers your car against third party liabilities such as death, bodily injuries to third party and losses or damages of third party property caused by accidents. With this type of policy, you cannot claim damage to your vehicle. Third party insurance is the minimum coverage a driver needs to renew road tax and drive legally in Malaysia.

Third Party, Fire and Theft cover

What this policy does is to protect you, the driver, from third-party claims, whether for personal injury or death, third-party property damage, or damage to your vehicle. This is basically the same as third-party insurance, but adds coverage for damage caused by fire and vehicle theft.

Comprehensive cover

Comprehensive coverage helps cover the cost of damages to your vehicle when you're involved in an accident that's not caused by a collision. This type of policy gives you basically the same coverage as a 3rd party, fire and theft policy, but adds protection against damage to your own vehicle.

Additional Driver Add-on

An additional driver is an insurer who can drive the insured car or motorcycle with the owner's permission and enjoy the same rights as the owner.

Windshield Damage Insurance

Windshield insurance/coverage is a type of additional protection specifically for your car’s windscreen. It is an add-on to your current car insurance policy.

Special Perils Cover

The Special Perils Covers can save you a lot of money. By getting this additional insurance cover, you will be insured against damages due to natural disasters, such as earthquakes, sinkholes, landslides and floods etc.

Strikes, Riots And Civil Commotion

Strikes, Riots And Civil Commotion add-on cover the repair costs to your vehicle for damages caused by strikes, riots, and civil commotion.

Compensation For Assesses Repair Time (CART)

This add-on will compensate you for the estimated number of days it takes to have your car repaired. If you have been in an accident, your car could be in the shop for a few days. By getting this add-on, you will receive compensation that allows you to pay for a rental car.

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How Do Claims Work?

Unlike other insurance comparison websites, we take the hassle out of claims for you. We know how important it is to get back on track quickly – and with a minimum of fuss. That’s why you get access to your dedicated claims team any time, day or night. Call them on +60182288606 or claim online. They’ll do their best to be fair and supportive.

Auto Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is comprehensive motor insurance policy?
    This policy provides insurance against damage to your own vehicle and/or your liabilities to other parties such as injury or death and damage to other parties’ property because of a motor accident.
  • How will my Auto Insurance premium be calculated?
    Insurance premiums will be based on risk characteristics. The greater the potential risk, the higher the premium. The lower the potential risk, the lower the premium
  • What is auto Insurance Liberalisation?
    This means the price of motor insurance will no longer be based on Motor Tariff (a set of fixed price list).

  • How do I determine the sum insured for my car?

    The sum to be insured should be based on the market value of your car. Market Value represents the value of your car with an allowance for wear and tear and/or depreciation.

  • What is the major exclusions for Comprehensive Auto Insurance?

    This policy does not cover certain losses such as:

    • Policyholder's death or bodily injury due to a motor accident;
    • Policyholder's liability against claims from passengers in your vehicle; and
    • Loss, damage or liability arising from an act of nature i.e. flood, storm or landslide.

    (Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for the full list of exclusions under this policy.)

  • What is No Claim Bonus (NCB)?
    No claim bonus is a special discount given for every claim-free year.
  • What's an excess?
    Most policies include an excess, which is the amount to be paid by the policyholder in the event of a claim. There's both a compulsory excess, imposed by the insurer, and a voluntary excess. The phrase 'total excess' combines these two factors and is the amount you pay in the event of a claim.
  • What is loading?
    Loading is an additional amount that is built into the insurance cost. This amount is added to the premium to provide the cover for a ‘risky’ individual. Basically, loading covers the losses that arise from insuring an individual who is prone to a form of risk and the losses for that period are expected to be higher than anticipated.
  • Why is the No Claim Discount (NCD) quoted is different from my record?

    The NCD quoted is different if there is a claim lodged or if there is an NCD withdrawal to transfer to another car requested by the insured. Alternatively, you can also check your current NCD rate via Ncd Checker

  • What is Market Value coverage?
    Market Value is the amount based on the insurance company estimate of what your car is worth in the open market. In the event that anything happens to your car, you can only claim as much as the current market value/worth of your car model at that point of time. Generally Market Value coverage premium tends to be lower.
  • What is Agreed Value coverage?
    Agreed Value is the amount which has been agreed to between you and your insurance company. In the event that anything happens to your car, agreed value coverage can certainly provide the compensation you will receive from the insurance company if your car is written off or stolen. Generally Agreed Market coverage premium tends to be higher .
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